Friday, February 10, 2017

TKI Models for Conflict - Jean Richardson AONW 2017

TKI Models for Conflict - Jean Richardson AONW 2017

Dialogic stance vs. Debate stance

There are many answers, mine may be one.  (Dialogic)

There is one right answer, usually mine.


Each box in the diagram is a valid approach to engaging in conflict

No matter which mode you start in there is a path to collaboration. If you are in the competitive mode, you must heal and build trust before collaboration is possible.


American culture is competing

- we don't get to know one another

- talking does not equate to collaborating (esp when anchored in competing)

- when the perception is that resources are scarce, competing models dominate


Avoidance often stems from a perceived lack of power

The introduction of this model can helps teams move through conflict.


Dev teams may naturally fall in avoiding/accommodating in waterfall to agile transformations.

Managers who are not already oriented to collaboration can be supported to a collaborative stance

Take different approaches for people in different states

The key is the dialogic stance

By staying in the collaborative space, you can meet team members in their space, supporting each as they learn about conflict engagement, to create an environment where true collaboration becomes attractive.

In an emergency, we can get into a competitive space.

Some team members will never get to collaborating, no matter what

The Tao of Negotiation (book recommendation)

Engaging in conflict through collaboration raises consciousness

When conflict leaves the room, your relationship is transformed.

Sam Kaner Models.

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