Aki and the group brainstormed the issues that they have encountered as organizations have transitioned to Agile. We also discussed what we'd recommend that people do and what they don't do.
Mandated Agile
"Agile means faster, right?" --Leadership
Management Buy-In
C-Level understanding
Lack of exec. Support
Chasm between "management" and teams
Credibility of "new" method
Conflict between Agile process/planning and organizational demand to know when everything will be released
"Look, we're agile now. Why can't you tell me exactly when you'll be done?"
All in or incremental
Thinking it's an IT-only problem
Company-wide adoption understood
What (or if) areas are important to implement consistently (rules vs. guidelines)
IT is ahead of business on Agile projects. How to onboard/transition business to Agile?
Not starting with people
Not understanding why they are going Agile
Make all changes at once?
Functional managers do not have clearly determined roles going forward...they start becoming blockers
Doing Agile vs. Being Agile
Just focus on rituals
Seems like a lot more meetings
No consistency of individual processes
Not changing how (agile) projects are funded
Defining the role of "formal" training
Teams want to start before they are ready - how to slow down to speed up
What's my new role - How does it map?
Underestimating culture change needed and impact
Measure agility by more throughput only
Go big or go home
"Big Bang"
No decision power
Force feed
Just jump in (Plan, instead)
Keep Sprints the same as the release schedule
Try to combine roles (Scrum Master/Developer, Product Owner/Scrum Master, etc.)
Assume that people will remember what you said in a conversion
Assume that people will read you emails and understand them
Create mandates (especially using metrics as "hammer")
Punish or reward based on Agile metrics ("velocity", etc.)
Fully utilize
Compare velocities between teams
25-person Scrum of Scrums on the phone
Teach effective retrospective techniques
Use multiple forms of communication (written, oral, etc.)
Explain and pitch
Bring business along from start
Rollout by teams
Capture why? the change is being made
Clear expectations at all levels of organization
Continuous communication and transparency
Keep people talking (individuals and interactions)
"Try it" for 'N' weeks
Be organic and open...not big ban/rigid
Use Agile to create Agile
Incremental change
Start with less teams
Incorporate many functions into the "Dev" team (customer support, QA, business, etc.)
Teach effective retrospective techniques
Treat change agency as seriously as you treat Agile and technical practices
Acknowledge inherent differences between old way and Agile
Ensure people have foundational training
Training: why/how much?
Set expectations that your processes will evolve as you learn
Get developers talking to business people
Share personal stories
Put everyone through same training, speaking same language
Level-set/establish baseline enterprise/org-specific "agile"
Go all in (reduce mixed methodologies between teams)
Engage IT and business simultaneously so entire Project Team is aligned and understands Agile process (Buss & IT in lock step!)
Implement an Agile Center of Excellence
Start cross-functional project communities of practice
Make failures, learning, and successes visible
Adjunct Lecturer
Portland State University
Thanks David. This session was posted twice - and I put my notes in the other posting. But your pictures and notes are great. Thanks much!