Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thermodynamics of Emotion - Session 1

The Thermodynamics of Emotion – Willem Larson

"Use the Force, Agilist"

·        Physics Law – "The constructile law" (Wikipedia)

o   Laws of Thermodynamics

o   Flow: Things from low high to low, and therefore requires energy to return

·        Constructile law references design

o   Adrian Bejan: had a realization at a conference regarding recurrence of patterns (branch, lung, highway system, etc…)

o   Turbulence occurs at the borders

o   Speed seems to effect the pattern (fast = branching, slows = wave patterns, etc…)

o   Waves and branches are married (within a wave, branches exist)

o   Complex systems are similar across scale

o   C, D, E (C = Container, D = Difference between containers, E = Exchanges) for measuring across scale

o   Defining the problem to be solved defines the system

·        "Immediate moment theory" based on constructile law

o   Based on what is happening right now

o   Change in anything, everything changes

o   Can't control, but can influence conditions

o   Prophecy, not prediction (forecasts are reliable but imperfect)

·        Humans are animals first and foremost

o   Rationalizing, not rational

o   Animals are waves that evolved out of the ocean, and learned to move on land

o   Plants only exist where there is water (glorified water pumps)

o   Fish is an embodied wave

o   Bird is a wave in air

o   Mixing matter

o   Since animals are thermodynamic systems which mix matter

·        Emotion

o   Is a flow system

o   And a force of attraction

o   Life is attracted to life

o   Therefore, there is only one emotion in the model, and it's a force of attraction

·        Organize based on state

o   We have an inner state that aligns, or does not align with others

o   Discussed ecosystems, and how simple changes effect all of the system

·        Animals are afraid of predators

o   Predatory aspects

§  Eyes = bright, shiny, flat, sudden, cold

o   Preyful aspects

§  Soft, warm, round, small

o   Features with anonymity (i.e. Internet) fosters predatory aspects

o   As soon as there's visibility, people tend to back down

·        How does this translate to good facilitators

o   What aspect do you project?

o   Energy in a single direction (forced control) could be considered a predatory aspect

o   Attempt should be to achieve a balance between predatory and preyful

o   Observe the body language and you can map the condition of a system

o   Energy flows in a specific direction (wolf chases deer, even within the wolf there is a direction)

o   We can map human systems by which brain (struggle for balance, hunger/gut) members of a system exist

o   When the 2 brains are connected, productivity occurs.  Imbalance creates restrictions.

o   What's the nature of the non-violent communication? (Predator, Prey)

-James Bass.
cell: (503) 875-4733

Real life is not pretty, but it can be beautiful.
Warm regards,
James Bass
C: (503) 875-4733

Real life isn't pretty, but it can be beautiful

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